Atlanta Bodyworks

Bodywork and Pregnancy

Touch is necessary from the moment we are born…and enjoyed until the day we die. It conveys love, comfort, awareness and caring. Touch can also help alleviate aches and pains, especially during pregnancy.

Imagine you are the fetus, surrounded by warm water, free-floating and unencumbered. In the 95 degree pool your body knows no gravity and lets go of any muscle tightness, your spine and lower back muscles, pelvis and ankles relax, stress is reduced and there is no pressure on weight-bearing joints.

Massage in the warm water increases blood and lymph circulation, which can reduce swelling, relieve varicose veins and enhance the pliability of the skin and underlying tissues. It provides support for the physical and emotional strains of parenting as well as fosters nurturing maternal touch.

In the Watsu pool, you often experience relief from typical musculoskeletal strains associated with pregnancy. A combination of soft tissue massage, acupressure, gentle cranial therapy and passive movement techniques provides pain relief to the pelvis, lower back and other joints that are under the strain of body changes during pregnancy. Research indicates that appropriate bodywork with pregnant persons promotes fetal well-being.